Micro Mist Magic and the Impact of Growth Factors

Micro Mist Magic and the Impact of Growth Factors

In the world of skincare, so much of the focus has traditionally been on aesthetics–smoother skin, fewer wrinkles and a radiant complexion. But wound healing is another crucial aspect of skin health discussed less often. 

When it comes to skin wounds, the thought of applying anything topical directly to the wound sounds painful and irritating. There should be a way to get ingredients into your skin without an agonizing application process.  In fact, creating a way to assist patients with a debilitating skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa in a painless, needle free way is exactly how Droplette’s Micro Mist Technology was developed and has also been used by doctors to assist in the healing process of their patients suffering from bed sores. 

Along with an innovative application process, the ingredients applied to wounds matter just as much. Recent studies share the imperative role stem cells and growth factors play in the treatment of chronic wound management and healing. Growth Factors are superhero proteins made by our bodies that assist in regulating stem cell activity, activating dormant cells, and reversing cell decline. However, our growth factor levels begin to decline in our 20’s, meaning stem cells are no longer receiving the signals needed to maintain skin health. 

Droplette’s Growth Factors capsules are the industry’s first pharma-grade, active growth factor formulation, harvested from 100% healthy adult human mesenchymal cells that contain no non-native growth factors from plants or animals.

The Power of Droplette’s Growth Factors on Wound Healing

While on a family vacation in May 2024, Robyn received a traumatic facial skin injury, leaving her with approximately 35 stitches in and around her mouth. 

Left unsure of how best to assist her skin as it healed, Robyn turned towards trusted friends and Google to gather information and recommendations. Which is what led her to Droplette. 

Robyn had heard of human growth hormones before but not Droplette’s specifically. However, she knew she was looking for something high quality, bionative and bioactive for the most efficacious results. So with a recommendation from a client and the seal of approval from her physicians at Duke, Robyn invested in what would become one of the most transformative tools in her skincare healing journey.

Once her stitches were removed, Robyn began a diligent process of combining infrared light therapy with the daily use of Droplette’s Growth Factors capsules directly to the wound area. She uses a consistent A/B pattern using one capsule in the morning on her A days, while using one capsule in the morning and one in the evening on her B days. 

After about 2 weeks, she started noticing not only did her wound start appearing softer, less red and inflamed, but the skin around her mouth, cheeks and around her nose had also improved. 

Pleased with her results so far, she started using her Growth Factors capsules all over her face and within another two weeks she says people started asking questions about how her skin was healing so quickly. 

“What I noticed with this is total rejuvenation. What started as scar mending and healing, looking at photos on my phone you can see improvements that I wasn’t even expecting, so I am a lifer. I totally believe in it.” -Robyn

Now three months into her skin healing journey, Robyn says she is so pleased with her results she plans to stay on her Growth Factors regimen well into the future. She sees her team at Duke again at the end of August where they will be discussing the aesthetics part of the healing process, and she is excited to hear their feedback and excitement of her progress so far.

We look forward to watching Robyn’s continued progress and will be sharing more of her story along the way.

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