Debunking Skincare Myths Like a Celebrity With This Handheld Device

No wonder celebrities are ditching needles for this pain free, more effective approach.

By Kelly C. Mar 11, 2023

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MYTH #1: Skincare products penetrate the skin.

Your skin has something called a skin barrier. And if your skin is healthy, your skin barrier functions exactly like that - as a barrier. Those tightly packed layers of cells prevent things from getting in, as well as prevent moisture from escaping.

Guess what? Your skin barrier can even stop your skincare products from getting in. Unless this barrier is compromised, it is very difficult for products to penetrate your skin. That means that the most effective way to get products inside your skin is with things like needles.

But itโ€™s ridiculous to think you can apply your daily skincare with needlesโ€ฆor even with dermarollers! You canโ€™t do that several times a day. Itโ€™s not healthy.

As a result, about 90% of your skincare products get wiped off, sweated off, or otherwise removed. Talk about discouraging. What a waste of money!

So you have two options:

  1. Give up on applying skincare products, or

  2. Find skincare thatโ€™s small enough to penetrate the outer layer of skin (which means nanoparticles smaller than a molecular weight of 500 Daltons, to be precise)

Youโ€™ll be relieved to know that ALL of Dropletteโ€™s serums can penetrate the skin when paired with the Droplette Micro-Infuser Device. Not only that, but they go 20x deeper into the skin where they are 90% more effective.

You can slather it on as thick as you like, but about 90% of your topical skincare products will be wasted. Sorry!

Celebrity MUA Mary Phillips uses Droplette! Her day job is doing makeup for the likes of Priyanka, Kim and Kendall, Hailey B, and JLo, just to name a few.

MYTH #2: Collagen supplements plump your skin.

Sorry for the truth bomb thatโ€™s about to fall on you, but that collagen powder youโ€™re taking? Yeah, it doesnโ€™t do anything for your skin.

When you ingest collagen, whether itโ€™s powder, capsules, or any other format, your body digests it like food. It basically functions as a protein in your diet. In fact, a recent study warns that dermatologists should be aware of the โ€œunsubstantiated claimsโ€ being made by collagen supplement companies! Science is telling us that thereโ€™s currently no way to build collagen in your skin (or hair or nails) by supplementing.

The best way to improve collagen production is at skin-level. And currently those methods are either a very long game or they involve needlesโ€ฆthatโ€™s because collagen notoriously has a hard time penetrating your skin barrier. Probably since it is 300x larger than what your skin can even absorb. So, once it is out, it is not getting back inโ€ฆ

That is, until Droplette. Droplette users see very noticeable changes in their wrinkles, under eye bags, and discoloration when using Dropletteโ€™s Collagen Hydrofiller Serum Capsules. I mean, weโ€™re talking about changes that look like they had interventions in the clinic with serious downtimeโ€ฆ

But thatโ€™s not the case. These changes are happening because of mist. MIST?! Aerosolized particles of skincare products?!?!

Honestly. Droplette has me questioning where itโ€™s been my whole life. (Or at least the last decade where my skin has needed it so desperately!)

Kelly (age 57) used Droplette for 3 months.

Iโ€™m sorry, but you couldnโ€™t drink enough water, take enough supplements, or coat your skin with enough product to get results like thisโ€ฆespecially in just 3 months! GAH! Just LOOK at those contours! She looks amazing. โœจ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ‘‘

Carra (age 46) got these amazing results in just 3 months. What a change in her undereye contour and forehead!


MYTH #3: Oily Skin Doesnโ€™t Need Hydration.

If you have oily skin, you might think that the last thing you should put on your skin is a moisturizer.

But the reality is that even oily skin can get dehydrated and thirsty! And when it feels thirsty, your skin might even start producing more oil to make up for the dryness it feels.

But DONโ€™T reach for that lotion bottle just yet...

โ€œThirstyโ€ skin goes back to the whole skin barrier thing. The way to hydrate skin? You guessed it - proper skincare. And weโ€™re once again talking about nanoparticlesโ€ฆ

In order to truly impact the health of your skin barrier, and the plumpness and appearance of your skin, your skincare must be able to penetrate the skin barrier.

That brings us full circle. Now is a perfect time to talk aboutโ€ฆ

A better approach to skincare with Droplette.

I know we talked about nanoparticles, but youโ€™ll never have to calculate the molecular weight of your skincare with Droplette. Itโ€™s been thoroughly researched and specifically designed to penetrate your skin 20x deeper to yield 90% better results.

Dropletteโ€™s Collagen Hydrofiller Capsules deliver plumping, hydrating ingredients deep into your skin for a glowing result. Some say its lifting and firming effect is similar to injectables, yet itโ€™s so gentle that even the most sensitive skin can tolerate it. And unlike a trip to the clinic, itโ€™s absolutely zero downtime!

These MIT-trained scientists, Rathi and Madhavi, designed Droplette as a painless and injection-free skin absorption system. (They clearly have brains, but I couldnโ€™t help but notice that they have envy-worthy skin too!)

But honestly, the most addictive part of skincare (besides pimple popping videos, if youโ€™re that type of person!) is before and after photos. Letโ€™s see what kind of proof Droplette has to offerโ€ฆ

Brenna (age 37)
Brenna said she used Dropletteโ€™s Collagen Hydrofiller daily for 2 weeks, then she added some of the other treatments. What beautiful, glowy results she got!

Alyssa (age 31)

Alyssa got stunning results with regular use! Although it took 11 months to see this change, Iโ€™m surprised she was able to see such a dramatic change without an invasive procedure. Discoloration can be tough to get rid of.


Donโ€™t Fall for Skincare MYTHSโ€ฆ

Discover the truth

with Droplette

INFUSE collagen, peptides, and vitamin C 20x deeper into your skin

PLUMP, FIRM, and HYDRATE your skin 90% better than with topical products

ACHIEVE your skin goals faster with effective skincare


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